Top 10…Benefits of Peppermint Tea

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I occasionally drink (herbal) peppermint tea, mostly for the flavor but also for the health benefits. Here’s a few benefits:

  1. Can reduce stress
  2. Anti-inflammatory
  3. Boosts immunity
  4. Can prevent nausea
  5. Improves digestion
  6. Can help reduce a fever
  7. Can reduce cramping and bloating (especially great for that time of the month, ha)
  8. Reduces motion sickness
  9. Can calm diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome
  10. Relieves dry throat and coughing


*ask your doctor if you’re pregnant or taking other medications

Top 10…Healthy Habits to Develop

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I majored in Exercise Science as an undergrad at BYU, with an emphasis in Fitness and Wellness. I love exercising, being active and helping others achieve their fitness goals!

Wellness is not just being physically strong and able but also includes other aspects that helps one be well rounded:

Ace Wellness Consulting (1)

Top 10 healthy habits that are small and simple changes anyone at any age or stage can do:

  1. Drink more water – aim for 8 cups a day.
  2. Regular and consistent exercise -find something you love to do that’s not a chore.
  3. Practice stress relief like meditation, deep breathing, stretching, yoga, etc.
  4. Walk more – take the stairs, walk on your lunch break, park farther away.
  5. Get enough sleep! – you will be mentally sharp and more able to maintain a healthy weight. One of the factors of obesity is a lack of sleep.
  6. Eat breakfast.
  7. Fill your body with whole foods – the less processed, the better it is for your body.
  8. Lift weights – You don’t need to become a body builder, but strengthen your muscles and bones.
  9. Look on the bright side – make an effort to focus on the positives instead of the negatives, don’t compare yourself to others.
  10. Serve and reach out to others – both parties will benefit in countless ways.

health and cheerfulness naturally beget each other

Here’s to being healthier and happier!

Top 10…TV shows

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in no particular order…if you have any suggestions, please share!

  1. Breaking Bad – a chemistry teacher who makes meth to pay for his cancer treatments, that’s just the beginning of an intriguing series.
  2. Arrested Development – This is truly a series I could watch over and over. This comedy follows a family in Orange County, the “OC” – but don’t call it that.
  3. The Office – especially the earlier seasons with Steve Carrell. I feel like most people have seen this mockumentary series and can all relate to exciting days in an office 😉
  4. Freaks and Geeks- set in the early 80s and follows two groups of high school kids – the ‘freaks’/misfits and the ‘geeks’/nerds. Sadly, is only one series but I’ve re-watched it countless times.
  5. The Walking Dead– It’s more than the  zombie apocalypse! There’s enough characters you come to love that you become attached to the show, although slow at times.
  6. Downton Abbey – a period drama set in England, early 1900s. I loved the clothing and proper behaviors, ha, ha
  7. 30 Rock – created by and starring Tina Fey. What more needs to be said? It’s a comedy that’s for sure
  8. Better Call Saul – a spin off of one of the characters from Breaking Bad. Very well written, directed and intriguing to see the background of Saul Goodman.
  9. Veep – a political satire with Julia Louis-Dreyfus where she is the VP of the US.
  10. Parks and Recreation – similar style to ‘The Office’ starring Amy Poehler.


A random, totally weird fact about me and TV: I can’t watch shows that have laugh tracks. I feel like it makes it less funny and too forced.

Top 10…realistic baby purchases

Top 10

Thought I’d share a few baby products I loved with my two kids. Like most new parents, we registered for a lot of items that we didn’t end up using much – oops!

  1. Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag – I went through a few diaper bags before finally spending the money to buy this bag! It has a full zip and an awesome amount of pockets (perfect for bottles, keys, changing pad, and I always like an exterior pocket for trash). They occasionally have outlet sales too! Another thing I loved is that it can be worn on the shoulder OR as a backpack – especially awesome when you have two little kids and need both hands!

petunia2. Boppy nursing pillow – perfect size, removable cover for easy washing

boppy3. car seat clip in stroller – allows you to easily put a sleeping baby in the stroller without unbuckling the straps. The particular one we got was super easy to fold the frame to put in the trunk.


4. Halo swaddle – a lot of people like the Aden and Anais brand swaddle, which we also liked, but like that these swaddles could be a little more snug

5. Halo sleep sack – after ‘graduating’ from the swaddle, we used this sleep sack which is basically a wearable blanket.

6. BOB double jogging stroller – This stroller is really awesome – super durable, easy to use, easy to fold and store up. Both kids are really comfortable and secure in 3 point belts and the covers fold down half way to shield from rain or sun.


7. White noise machine – we have loved these to help our babies nap well during the day and sleep well, especially with outside noises, lawn mowers, our dog, etc.

8. pack and play with bassinet and changing table – this one was the perfect size to fit in our room with newborns.


9. Dr. Brown’s bottles – these have a filter which are supposed to help babies eliminate extra air swallowed (which can cause gas).

10. Baby Bjorn – great for carrying a newborn facing you and then forward facing when they’re a little bigger


Any must-have baby items you’d add?

Top 10…wanderlust

After living in a variety of places from San Diego to Guatemala city to Scotland and the East Coast, my desire to see the world has only increased tenfold. I’m in a constant state of wanderlust, and dreaming of all the amazing places. Here’s my current top 10 travel wishes of places I haven’t been to:

  1. Iceland
  2. Thailand
  3. India
  4. Spain
  5. Morocco
  6. Italy
  7. Greece
  8. New Zealand
  9. Alaska
  10. France


iceland via pinterest